or simply Gulliver Boy is a Japanese anime series created by Hiroi Oji and Toyoo Ashida. It was produced by Toei Animation, directed by Ashida and aired on Fuji TV from January 5, 1992 to December 27 of that year. On December 5, 2012 Pony Canyon released the series in a DVD box in Japan. ==Characters == *Gulliver Toscanni :Protagonist of the series, a magician who must remain enclosed in the Yoke magic school to protect his friend Edison. When he returns to his country, Venice, he finds out that it is being attacked by Spain. *Edison :Young scientific genius, Gulliver's friend. *Misty :A girl, the friend of Gulliver, who saved him from the troops of Spain. *Phoebe :A Dark fairy who takes a liking to Gulliver, and vows never to leave his side. *King Yudo :King of Spain, deeply in love with Misty. He killed Gulliver's father, but when he was informed that there was a son, promised himself that he would kill the son, so they could be in paradise together. It's latter revealed in the second half of the series that he is controlled by Hallelujah, the sums of evil. *King of Venice :His kingdom is attacked by the army of Spain. He does not understand why Yudo is doing this, since there was previously peace between the two countries. *Papa Toscanni :Raises Gulliver as his son. Yudo kills him, but before he dies he manages to confess to Gulliver that he is not his true father. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Gulliver Boy」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク